Welcom to the Hotel Illness

Reality Check! (or, Why My TV Sits in the Closet)

09/21/02  9:57 AM

     Ananova recently reported that producer RJ Cutler, among others, is working towards a "reality" based show to elect the next U.S. President.   

     Cutler was quoted as stating, "We will be making available to every American who is qualified, by virtue of the Constitution, the opportunity to run for president."


     Firstly, "by virtue of the Constitution" this opportunity already exists for those meet the requirements.  If you want to argue that the show will provide promotional and monetary backing for the winner, fine, but the opportunity is already there.

     Secondly, does the American public (myself included), who continually decry the joke that we call political campaigns, harbor the desire to contribute to the mockery?

     And speaking of the American public, is there anyone out there that actually believes any of these shows have even the tip of their rhinestone covered toes in reality?